Heidi Diemer

Chief Investment Officer

About Heidi Diemer

Heidi is an investment specialist with over 15 years of experience. Throughout her career, Heidi has followed her passion in this field, pursuing and executing roles in boutique asset management, investor relations, and venture capital. She now resides in New York City bringing the gamut of her experience to Legacy Capital as the Chief Investment Officer.

While Heidi thrives on staying on top of industry trends in her field, the clients she serves are at the forefront of her focus and practice. While delivering results, she also builds lasting relationships and genuine care for those she serves. She has also served as an Executive Director for Junior Achievement--a non-profit teaching business skills and principles to under-served youth. In her free time, Heidi enjoys travel, fitness, culinary adventures, and a passion for learning.

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The investments and services offered by us may not be suitable for all investors. If you have any doubts as to the merits of an investment, you should seek advice from an independent financial advisor.

Under no circumstances should any material on this site be used or considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of any offer to buy an interest in any investment fund managed by Legacy Capital. Any such offer or solicitation will be made only by means of the Confidential Private Offering Memorandum relating to the particular fund. Access to information about the funds is limited to investors who either qualify as accredited investors within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or those investors who generally are sophisticated in financial matters, such that they are capable of evaluating the merits and risks of prospective investments.

(877) 207-3370